Violence, Guns, and Politics
Our environment determines what we become. Violence is all around us; movies, video games, gangs, drug related shootings, and people not being able to cope with the fast pace we live in. People have the right to express their opinion, even show their emotions, may even get mad or sad. However, that should not result in violence or killing. What happened in Virginia Tech this morning is another example of what can happen when a gun is involved. An angry or emotionally imbalanced person loses reasoning power (may be temporarily). But it only takes a split second to pull a trigger. With no gun on hand one can get into a fistfight or break a few bones, etc.
Yet this society does not see the perils of guns. Their argument is “Guns don’t kill, people do”. Guns sole purpose is to kill. Without that instrument people could not kill so easily from a distance. Our government plays politics for fear of offending gun lobbyists. So, politics wins over greater good of the society or our nation. And we continue to give excuses for constitutional right to bear arms. There are no wild buffalos or Native Americans to fight. West has been won, rightfully or wrongfully. It’s time to make peace here at home and to ensure some form of gun control to reduce fatal violence or to avoid incidence like Virginia Tech. It’s a national tragedy that a so-called civilized society has turned into a violent one. Unless we change our social environment, unless we control the instrument to kill, this may not be the last tragedy.