Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Violence, Guns, and Politics

Our environment determines what we become. Violence is all around us; movies, video games, gangs, drug related shootings, and people not being able to cope with the fast pace we live in. People have the right to express their opinion, even show their emotions, may even get mad or sad. However, that should not result in violence or killing. What happened in Virginia Tech this morning is another example of what can happen when a gun is involved. An angry or emotionally imbalanced person loses reasoning power (may be temporarily). But it only takes a split second to pull a trigger. With no gun on hand one can get into a fistfight or break a few bones, etc.

Yet this society does not see the perils of guns. Their argument is “Guns don’t kill, people do”. Guns sole purpose is to kill. Without that instrument people could not kill so easily from a distance. Our government plays politics for fear of offending gun lobbyists. So, politics wins over greater good of the society or our nation. And we continue to give excuses for constitutional right to bear arms. There are no wild buffalos or Native Americans to fight. West has been won, rightfully or wrongfully. It’s time to make peace here at home and to ensure some form of gun control to reduce fatal violence or to avoid incidence like Virginia Tech. It’s a national tragedy that a so-called civilized society has turned into a violent one. Unless we change our social environment, unless we control the instrument to kill, this may not be the last tragedy.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

April 14: a very special day

It is the beginning of Rongali Bihu festival, the beginning of a New Year for the people of Assamese heritage. I have fond memories of this special time when even my poor father used to give me a quarter with a smile to enjoy the day. That was some 50 years ago in a different land. More than anything I look forward to this day every year even as an American. Our roots define who we are and our environment determines what we become. I wish a happy Bihu to people all over the world. It is a time of sharing, giving, loving, forgiving with no boundaries of caste, creed, religion, rich, poor, etc.

It is also a very special day for my wife of 30+ years. She is special and she was born on this special day. My father, who passed away almost 45 years ago when I was just a kid, was also born on this day. His parents had named him “Bihu” and perhaps very appropriately.

This was also the day in 1775 when the 1st abolitionist society had organized in Philadelphia. This was also the day in 1865 when Abe Lincoln was assassinated. This was the day in 1949 when Nuremberg’s last judgment for WWII crime took place. These were the signs of human spirit and sacrifice for fairness and justice.

Gap in tape; missing email

Quite a coincidence! Nixon’s tape with missing recording and missing emails from Bush administration seems to have a lot in common. There was Watergate scandal, Vietnam War, VP Spiro Agnew’s resignation and eventual impeachment proceedings of Nixon. That was then. Thirty plus years later we have “Plame” scandal, CIA leak, fall guy Scooter Libby, Iraq War and now fired judges. The difference is that there is no Vietnam style mass protest. Perhaps we are too complacent now, perhaps we are too polarized to come together even for the right reason. Bush and his cronies (Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rove) can get away with anything. If it were Bill Clinton, they would be after his blood. Yes, they think “Right” is right and “Left” is wrong, conservatism is a virtue and liberalism is a crime. They don’t see the gray. It’s black or white; it’s red or blue

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

It's spring time, it's Bihu time

Bluebonnets are in full bloom in Texas.

So are the "Kapou Phool" in the land of the Red River and the Blue Hills.

Love is in the air.
I climb over hills and mountains
But so hard to climb a creeper!
I can tame furious elephants;
So difficult to woo your love!

parbate parbate bogaaba paaro moi,
lataano bogaaboloi taan |
juriaa haatiko bolaabo paaro moi,
senaaik he balowaa taan ||