Life is presence of activity, exercise of force on physical system. Death is absence of life, absence of forces. Attachment is an association to a physical system - animate or inanimate - causing emotional effect on the living. So a dead person lives on by its effect on others through attachment or memory as a transcendental affair. Those, who are never forgotten, become immortal.
Life and death are two sides of the same coin. Their coexistence is essential for the universal continuum. However, unlike birth, death is much less predictable regarding its time, space, cause, etc. In that sense life is truly fragile or unstable. Yet, attachment causes agony when life ceases. However, attachment is also at the root of procreation and maintenance of life. Without attachment, all will be hermits and parents will not raise babies with warmth and care. So, life, death, and attachment make a triangle of existence for living beings.
With passage of time, a certain detachment can allow one to face death of others with less agony and to carry on life with some ease until it ceases knowing that it is inevitable. There is no reason to fear death. As for after life, we can only hypothesize. For us mortals, there is only one life to live and since we do not know when death may knock on the door, we should responsibly live like there is no tomorrow.