The Crazy World
Are we on the verge of the 3rd World War? Have we learnt anything from the 1st two wars? Korean war? Vietnam War? Why is Iran or North Korea trying to go nuclear? Why would not nuclear nations set an example by abandoning their nuclear arsenal first?
Peace is as illusive as ever. Some one uses a slingshot; some one blows him up to take a few with him for revenge. The other side goes after them with warplanes, tanks, and what not. Children grow up watching their parents, older brother, or sister killed in front of their eyes by unknown enemies. These pictures never fade from their memories. Foreign soldiers put up check posts on the streets of Baghdad and check up on the natives.
Yet the world seems to blame the “weak” and support the “powerful”. Where is justice and fairness to all people, all nations, all religions, all color, all ethnicities? The mighty speaks of “peace” that sounds hollow. The weak feels like they have nothing to lose. So, they continue on the path of violence.
After all that tragic happened in the past, after millions went through gas chambers, of all the people I had hoped that there would be one nation (created in an alien land by the world community) that would be the symbol of hope for peace, that they would understand the meaning of hate or losing near and dear ones, that they would not accept the mantra “an eye for an eye”, that they would try to win over their worst enemies, that they would give birth to many “Gandhis”. Alas, the government of that nation believes only in bombs in the slightest pretext of self-defense. Our Dubya encourages them and scolds others.
Do we have a big divide between the east and the west? Do we understand each other? Is the global village tearing up into pieces? Is it about domination? Is it about subconscious hope by some that war should continue so that some remain poor and others benefit from economics of war?
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