Saddam vs Bush
What's the difference?
A dictator authorizes killing and torturing of his own people
A democratically elected president acts like a king and under a facade of WMD starts a war in someone's land and authorizes killing and getting 2400 of our own brave soldiers killed. A bloodstain on both, but one is under trial, the other continues with usual swagger.
New pictures emerge: Abu Gharib, GITMO, civilian killings by Marines, cover-ups, domestic spying.
A land and a people that take pride in fairness, justice, and equality find itself with a "king" like president and an unjust war with no end in sight.
We are trying to send Enron CEOs to prison for fraud, but we can't seem to comprehend the lies, deaths, and misery caused by this president. There is no outrage; there is no cry for trial. We even tried to impeach a president earlier for his personal behavior that was no cause of misery or death. However, this one continues to manipulate a whole mass using "terrorism fear" as his "mantra".
Life goes on in these United States because we don't suffer like the Iraqis or like the bereaved families of those brave dead soldiers.
Tomorrow we will raise a few flags to remember those war dead, many of whom did not have to die.
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