Sunday, March 19, 2006

Three years later

I am terribly upset. You should be too. After "Shock & Awe", after declaring "Mission Accomplished", after three years we are stuck in an awful war. This administration falsely dragged this country to a stupid war and destroyed another country. If a single person (Saddam) was the goal, why punish a whole nation, why drag us, why taint a great country like USA in the eyes of the world?

Our brave soldiers are still dying. There is no count of Iraqi dead. Thousands and thousands are injured. Indirectly, this administration is responsible for all of this. Now Iraqis are killing each other. Afghanistan is boiling again. No solution in sight for Iran, North Korea. The Middle Eastern people are tired of western hypocrisy. Therefore, they have elected Hamas. The extreme right (who also preaches morality to us) has taken over this country. We have our own axis of evil i.e. Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz and we are not doing anything about it.

It's time to admit mistake by this administration and step down gracefully. There has to be a better leader with courage who can talk with the worst enemies and get us out of this mess. For the love of this country, for the love of all the lives, there has to be someone with more wisdom. Here at home, the ruins of Big Easy are almost forgotten. There is no serious discussion on serious issues like deficit, energy, education, health care, social security, etc. They polarize the nation by diverting your attention to emotional issues like abortion, gay rights, etc. that will not pay for your medical bills, or your education or how you die when you are too old.

Certainly America can do a lot better than this. It's time for a new beginning.


Blogger Mark Brown said...

I like the way you phrased this,

I (shamelessly) stole it, but credited you with it on my blog at

Monday, March 20, 2006 12:17:00 AM


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