Saturday, September 23, 2006

A new milestone and Dubya

Now the death toll is 9/11 times two. Death toll of American men and women in Afghanistan and Iraq has reached 2973, the same number killed at twin-tower on 9/11. Iraqi civilian death is in thousands and no one even talks about that. “Macho” attitude of Dubya and his cronies got us in a mess. Their arrogance doesn’t allow them to see their mistake. So, no course changes. Yet, they think that’s their strength and others are soft.

Now our fear-mongering president is “blitzing” with new rhetoric to keep his party in power. Is he afraid that if his cronies lose, he may face “impeachment” music? The Iranian President said things in the UN and to the press that might not be totally untrue. The Venezuelan President said things that were in bad taste, but again there might be some truth in it. Truth hurts and truth is bitter at times. Has this administration been fair and just to all the people, all the nations?

This administration diverts attention from serious domestic issues like health care, social security, deficit, poor Katrina victims and so on. The self-proclaimed “uniter” has become the greatest divider of our people and our world by playing on fear, emotions (same sex marriage, abortion, religion, etc. which do not put food on table), and flag waving. Because of this administration we have lost respect and credibility in the eyes of the world. The world saw the ugly pictures of Abu Ghraib and Gitmo. The world witnessed helplessly America allow destruction of Lebanon. Thank the framers of our constitution that Dubya has only two more years. I hope these past few years have been an eye opener for the people.


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