Many facets of our lives:
Sometimes we are happy and sometimes we are not. Our daughter just got three kittens and she is happy about it. When our cat Tigger had a stroke, we were all down and depressed. Some one had sent me an urgent email recently asking to call. There was depression related to relationship. I just got back from a funeral. The surviving spouse had swollen eyes from the tears she shed. My niece in California had a simple, private ceremony to feed solid food to her 6-month old for the first time and it was a happy occasion. My wife just had a ceiling fan hung in her study and she should be a little happier; one more of her to-do is done. Tomorrow is Labor Day holiday in these United States. The workers toiling to survive may not have much to cheer. However, for others it’s barbeque time, time to shop, or do nothing and be happy.
Happiness and sorrow are like two sides of a coin. Perhaps only the saints reach that plane of eternal happiness. We must learn to live with these facets knowing that none of these are permanent.
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