America: love it or leave it
America: It’s a country made by hard work. It’s a country of immigrants. It’s a country of law. A few individuals or a few American leaders may falter from time to time, but that is not America.
Some try to exploit America’s compassion and other niceties. Where on earth one can be an illegal and have the audacity to demonstrate publicly? Where on earth one can go into another country and have the audacity to rewrite their national anthem?
The rest of the world’s immigrants come, become American, speak English, and proudly sing the national anthem of their adopted country. However, you think you are different. You do not have to assimilate. You do not have to speak the language of the land. How would you like if China took over your country, changed your national anthem, and started demanding Chinese language in your country? You come to my house uninvited, then you want to take over my house and if I do not agree with you, you think I am being inconsiderate.
America is not forcing anyone to come here. If you come, be grateful to the country where you make a living, try to assimilate, abide by the law of the land; above all don’t slap the hand that feeds you. I am a naturalized citizen from a non-English speaking country. I am proud of my heritage and I am also proud to be an American.
You should be proud of your heritage. However, if you want America to embrace you, you must show that you are willing to embrace America too. Do not try to destroy the very fabric of America made by past immigrants over 200+ years through back breaking hard work.
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