Saturday, November 11, 2006

Now what

Tired of extreme rhetoric and senseless action, sensible America spoke quietly but firmly at the poll. Now the Democrats must ensure that the extreme right or the extreme left does not ever take over. They must focus on the real issues else America will speak again. Let us work on deficit, health care, education, energy, crime, world poverty & hunger, and child labor. Migration will stop if we help improve the economy of the less fortunate countries. No fence, security force can stop migration; only financial freedom will.

The new Congress must ensure that war is not a game. It is America’s last choice. They must ensure that we earn respect and leadership doing the right thing for humanity. Only the morally weak demands respect through and rules by force. They must remember, “an eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind”. They must remember, “the earth provides enough to satisfy everybody’s need, but not for anybody’s greed”. They must put people ahead of the party. We must truly practice equality, justice, and fairness for all people everywhere on earth.


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