Politics and Power
He talked all the right things during the primary to get the young ones (including our daughters) all worked up about “Change”. Black folks saw their opportunity of a lifetime and voted on racial line. Many whites voted for him either out of guilty conscience or to avoid a perception of racial bias or they did not like the idea of a woman leading them. Hillary was demonized and pushed out.
Now that he has the nomination practically on hand, his “Change” is becoming a change to political convenience. He is not for “campaign reform”, he is waffling on withdrawal from Iraq, begining to wear a US flag on his coat lapel, talks about “glass ceiling” that Hillary was trying break down, cries foul when others criticize. In fact he is not changing the world; he himself has changed. It appears that only one thing he cares about right now is to win the election. Winning is more important than having conviction and courage.
And his winning is not going to change the plight of many blacks or other under dogs. We have had a black in the Supreme Court, a black person as an army general, a secretary-of-state and so on and so forth. I think once they get there, they become a class of their own. Life goes on in these United States. Blacks will continue to fill the prisons and there will be two classes of blacks, Hispanics will be exploited as cheap labor (many will die while trying to cross the border), many young soldiers will continue to die for foolish presidential decisions, rich will get richer and Wall Street will not change the main street America, wars will be started somewhere and poor countries will be made poorer. Presidents like Obama will come and go.
In the world today, there is only one true, peace loving, visionary leader in my opinion and that is Nelson Mandela. Others seem to be faking their way into power making mockery of people like Lincoln, Gandhi and MLK. I doubt if power hungry politicians who talk the talk can walk the walk.
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