Sunday, August 12, 2007

Limu, life, death, and cancer

I am not a doctor. I know very little about cancer or Limu and what I know is from reading here and there. A little learning could be a dangerous thing. However, I have seen dreaded cancer’s devastation – physically, mentally, and spiritually. I also realize that life and death are part and parcel of any existence of any living organism. Dance of death is a continuous process at cellular level. Cells are born and die continuously as a natural process except when something like cancer interferes.

Cell life is amazing. It is born, it dies if damaged (like in a burn or cut) in a process called “necrosis” or it dies through a suicidal process called “apoptosis” as part of its life cycle. So, life cycle at a cellular level or in general is a natural process. Cancer cell is an unnatural process and like a parasite it learns to grow with other hospitable cells, in turn killing the host cells in an unnatural way. So, one way to kill cancer cell is by cell suicidal method (apoptosis); easier said than done. Research is going on for cancer therapy to induce apoptosis that would focus on cancer cells.

A brown seaweed that flourishes in the clear water of south Pacific known as Limu has a nutrient called Fucoidan. Fucoidan is a prime suspect in cell deaths. Many cancer researchers believe that this substance may trigger the apoptosis process in cancer cells. It may not cure cancer, but it can strengthen the immune system warding off diseases including autoimmune diseases. There are claims made by some patients that after trying conventional treatment with little hope, they started taking Limu and their cancer cells started shrinking


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