Monday, March 12, 2007

Life according to ...

It’s daylight saving time. Time too is relative. You spring forward and skip an hour. Did I sleep more or less? However, it was a gorgeous morning. Sun rises every morning without thinking about the sinking spell of the evening before.

Our older daughter has a lot on her mind: graduation, job interview, job location (she and her fiancé both would like to get jobs in the bay area), marriage, and so on. I would say, take a deep breath and tackle one at a time or multi task if you so chose without getting stressed out.

One of our community members has been diagnosed w/ multiple myeloma. We can only hope for the best. My mother-in-law has been suffering from acute arthritis lately. My wife is distraught naturally.

I am going to a little town (Abbeville) in South Louisiana tomorrow along with a lawyer, sheriff, and four persons from an offshore contractor to recover $3 million worth equipment that have been in possession of a person of a defunct company who assembled and built these. I hope there is no bad incident. This is a first in my entire professional career.

Next Friday my niece in California is planning to celebrate the 1st birthday of her boy. He has no clue about life yet. So we are heading west where we will meet our two daughters as well.

In a nutshell:

Life is for living

Life is full of surprises

Life is fragile

Life is a compromise

Life isn’t fair

Life is today

So, don’t worry be happy! Live like there is no tomorrow without interfering with others’ lives.


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