Sunday, January 28, 2007

A republic, a democracy, a police state!

Here I am quoting some of the facts from an editorial by Poonam I Kaushish written on India’s 57th republic day along with a few comments of my own.

In a supposedly secular India, a banker will have to take into account the borrower’s religion when writing out a loan check. Nobody has time for the common man’s growing disillusionment with the system which explodes in rage and which is leading to more and more people taking the law into their own hands.

In Kashmir, There are no Barbies and lullabies. Almost eight of ten boys and five out of ten girls celebrated Id with a gun, landmine, rocket or an IED. In the North East, the militants continue to wreck havoc. 15 States are Naxalite-hit and there are 40 Naxalite groups active in India. These are just torchbearers of the rising people’s anger and discontent against the widening disparities sweeping across the country. They have seen through the sham of democracy and have refused to say die. Even the villagers of Nithari, have not spared the Noida police for its failure to find their missing children. Anger will no longer be dormant. And the lathi and gun is the symbol of disillusionment with the government and its politics.

Beneath the hollow pronouncement, “India is shining” lays the filth that is the reality of India, a total urban breakdown and grinding poverty in the midst of glittering wealth. Flaunting of corrupt money, throwing a wedding reception with 1000 invitees in a posh hotel are the norm with the “new” rich and powerful. The government wants to suppress grievances by force. Brown rulers have replaced the white rulers. They are not interested in root cause analysis. A government of the people has become a machinery to swindle the common folks, to play politics of vote bank, to line their own pockets and then have the audacity to defy the court of justice. Is it a willing republic, a true democracy, or a police state? You decide.


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