All quiet in the house
Our younger daughter returned to Tokyo last Sunday. The older daughter is in Bangalore, India for a workshop on GPS. Other than a couple of emails, we have not talked to them. My wife and I are busy at work. Days are lot longer as another year comes to an end. We leave home in the dark and return when it’s pretty dark. Cold (by Houston standard) and wet weather has replaced the short sunny days of fall. Our cat stays home alone and practically sleeps all day. There is nothing worth watching on TV. So, the TV is quiet too. The Texans and the Rockets are doing poorly. So, it's disappointing to watch them play.
I am counting days when folks will be arriving for Christmas and I can take off from work for a few days. A house is not a home without some noise. Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve, we want you to come with a bang to wake everyone up from the winter hibernation.
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