Ten more marines dead
Where is the end? Our leaders go on debating in the comfort of their homes and offices sending these folks to get killed. 2100+ are dead and we are still counting. We don't even talk about Iraqi dead. Some lives are more valuable than others. Offensive continues. Sadam is gone, but insurgency that wasn't there before has replaced Sadam.
Not too long ago our congress and an over jealous special prosecutor tried to impeach a president for his personal behavior. His behavior, which I am not condoning, only hurt him and his family. It did not hurt the country, nor did it kill any citizen or soldier. Now, another president and his war mongering advisors dragged this country to a war by misleading the congress and the country. Through deception this administration got a blank check to do whatever they wanted to do in the name of fighting terrorism. While they talk about righteousness and value, they oppose a ban on torture of prisoners. Prison abuse has made a mockery of our virtues in the eyes of the world. We do not hear anyone in the administration bragging about shock and awe anymore. Even Nixon's Watergate break in appears to be a lesser crime, relatively speaking. Where is the outrage or demand for an investigation?
Countries like France love your type!
Sunday, December 04, 2005 5:58:00 AM
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