Sunday, February 19, 2012

Dual Role

Many of us play dual roles in real life – one faking happiness, smile, and laughter to others while hiding the sadness of the other self inside. In that sense most of us are acting on the world stage. I suppose we learn this from our childhood when adults’ fake happiness even when they are hurt to keep the child protected from pain. It is contradictory to normal feelings and seems at odd to them. Soon they too learn this role. The real self plays in private in our own green room or in dreams. So, many live through this acting until the end game when they tend to regret for not expressing their real feelings. That is life. Many try so hard to be accepted, to make others happy that their invisible tears drown their hearts; minds wander like a lost soul doing the things routinely to insure that their outside world is intact even if it is at the cost of being a victim of its own sorrow.


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