Sunday, March 15, 2009

Good in people

We are bombarded with bad news. We have been reminded time and again not to trust strangers. When I jog and say ‘hi’ to a little kid along the way with a smile they turn their head away, I suppose obeying their parents’ instruction not to talk to a stranger as if I could be a potential predator. The innocence, the trust have been lost over the years because of a few bad apples. However, goodness of heart is still alive and well. I believe the world will continue to be a better place because of such good people.

Yesterday early morning we had a call from a stranger from Bronx, NY long way from Houston. “We have your daughter’s cell phone” – the girl at the other end said. “She left it in my dad’s taxi cab. What’s your daughter’s name?” She sounded like our daughter’s age or perhaps younger. I had left a message for our daughter the night before. Perhaps she heard that message and knew about father’s concern in general. I talked to the father of that girl later who was about to leave for work to make a living. I contacted our daughter’s boy friend. The phone was retrieved, rather delivered by the unknown cab driver as he was in Queens and close to our daughter’s place at the time.

It certainly is a beautiful world. Watch your step, but don’t pay too much attention to those much publicized doom and gloom.


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