Monday, January 14, 2008

Play the gender card

Let us assume for a moment that there are 60% whites, 20% black, and 20% Hispanic & other in the USA. Let us also assume that male to female ratio is 50:50. Obviously, we live in a male world and gender equality is still a tall talk. So, I say to women why not play the gender card, because you have equal power at the poll regardless of your race? Now, those dads who truly want to see their daughters treated as equal, I am sure, would not mind voting for a female either. Some may say we should be colorblind and gender blind and vote for the most qualified. Let us stop the hypocrisy. Did we not elect George Bush with a fake costume that boldly stated that he was a “uniter”? What a disaster! People are still getting killed on both sides of a stupid war. Obviously there are some very conservative, vicious attack dogs out there. They swift boated Kerry and ran to the Supreme Court to defeat Gore (who had more popular votes). People like Rush and Coulter (another Rush in a female attire) will continue to denigrate female contenders talking about their wrinkles, cleavage, tears, and what have you. I am a brown dad of two highly educated, qualified daughters. I for one want my daughters treated with respect, equality, and equal pay like their male counter parts. It’s high time we elected a female president.


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